in Stock Market


Has anyone tried the WEISS ULTIMATE PORTFOLIO which claims to beat the NASDAQ by a factor of 2 and with less risk than is involved in buying Amazon etc? Five years for $1997.
Does anyone know if its track record supports its claims? Its method sounds good – buy the top 10 stocks out of the 10,000 rated by WEISS. Replace any stock when it falls out of the top 10.
WEISS RATINGS are regarded as honest, not able to be bought as were the ratings of the major ratings firms in the lead up to the GFC. Does anyone question the integrity of WEISS RATINGS? But, stock price is determined by many factors other than an honest rating. So, what is the correlation of a top 10 WEISS RATING and price? It would be very interesting to know what the Ultimate Portfolios past track record is.
I welcome any comments on this matter.

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