in Entrepreneur

The Virgin Hotels approach to creating a thriving community

For many people travel is just as much about the journey as it is the end destination, but whatever your view on getting from A to B everyone wants to arrive in a vibrant and welcoming place.

With everyone spending so much time on their screens it can be easy to immerse yourself in work emails or social media, even when you’re out on the road. So how do Virgin Hotels encourage chance encounters and personal connections in their properties?

The Commons Club

The Commons Club at the heart of each hotel is where work and play intertwine, think a membership club without the heavy fees or stuffy atmosphere. You can expect to find everything from DJ sets to live entertainment and fashion soirees to entrepreneurial talks.

Many guests take the opportunity to work on their laptops in the Club during the day, while by night it’s the perfect setting for a bite to eat or a pre-dinner cocktail. Virgin Hotels has also recently announced a revamp and refresh of its guest preferences and loyalty programme, The Know, which includes a nightly complementary happy hour, aptly dubbed the Spirit Hour.

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