in Marketing

A Guide to Using Video in Your Sales Prospecting

Marketers have been facing a drastic decrease in email open and response rates over the past decade, according to MailerMailer and SilverPop. In today’s information glut, as consumers become better at filtering marketing messages, email just can’t get the same results it once did.

So how can you make your messages stand out? Video prospecting.

In this article, we’ll explain how video can help with your sales prospecting; we’ll also provide an overview of the relevant software available on the market and tips on how you can craft your videos.

Why Use Video Prospecting

As with any other communication medium, video can help deliver a specific message. Certain characteristics, though, make video a more powerful prospecting tool than text and images.

How Video Is Different

It is trustworthy. Your prospect will see a real person, and that always helps arouse empathy. Your email is not just another message from a stranger.

It is novel. Video is not widely used for sales prospecting, so it hasn’t had a chance to become a cliche yet. Novel things tend to be eye-catching.

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