in Stock Market

O, Canada! Huge Day For Cannabis Investors

O, Canada! What a historic moment for the cannabis industry!

Canada just became the first developed country in the world to legalize recreational cannabis.

Now that legalization has set billions of dollars in motion, Cannabis Stock Trades members are in a prime position.

We’ve been prepping our portfolios to capitalize on this giant day and it’s finally here.

Cannabis stocks have a clear history of jumping higher before and after these key legalization dates.

Let’s take a look at three recent examples.

1. Cannabis stocks soared when Colorado went legal on Jan 1, 2014.

On January 1, 2014, Colorado became the first US state to legalize recreational cannabis.

It was a breakout moment for the US cannabis industry – and it sent US cannabis stocks soaring.

For example, Cannabis Sciences (CBIS), a US-based cannabis biotech company, jumped more than 500% in the six weeks before and after January 1.

This isn’t an isolated example.

The entire cannabis sector has a history of rallying ahead of and after key legalization dates.

2. Cannabis stocks soared on the US Elections in 2016.

Back on November 8, 2016, ten US states voted on cannabis bills. Eight of those ten ended up passing laws to legalize medical or recreational cannabis, scoring another big win for the US cannabis industry.

Cannabis stocks rallied for months ahead of and directly into the key date.

This time around it wasn’t just US cannabis stocks rallying.

The broader North American cannabis index, including US and cannabis stocks, almost doubled in the months leading up to the election.

Canadian stocks were some of the best performers.

Canopy Growth Corp (CGC, WEED), the largest cannabis company in the world, jumped 150% from mid-October to mid-November.

3. Cannabis stocks soared on January 1, 2018, when California went legal.

The most recent example happened earlier this year, in January of 2018.

Recreational cannabis went legal in California on January 1, 2018.

California is the largest cannabis market in the world – sending cannabis stocks soaring into new all-time high.

The North American cannabis index jumped more than 200% in the two months leading up to and after the key date.

Many individual cannabis stocks were up even more.

Kushco Holdings (KSHB), a US-based cannabis company, jumped more than 300% from November to January, climbing from $2 to over $8.

You can see how shares gained momentum on January 1, the exact date California went legal.

Canadian stocks were just as strong.

Aurora Cannabis (ACBFF), one of Canada’s largest cannabis companies, triggered by California going legal, was up more than 400% from November to January.

These charts are important.

It shows that cannabis stocks have a clear history of surging higher when states go legal.

In celebration of this huge day for Canada, we’re giving away a free month of Cannabis Stock Trades for new members!

Check out our model portfolio, uncover the stocks that I think are going to explode as a result of this historic day, receive trade alerts, and more.

We’re cutting off this free month at 11:59 PM (EDT) on Sunday 21, 2018. Don’t wait – grab this free month of CST and ride this historic move with us!

Michael Vodicka
Editors, Cannabis Stock Trades

About the Author & Cannabis Stock Trades

Michael Vodicka is a Licensed Investment Advisor (Series 65), president and founder of the Vodicka Group Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), a globally syndicated financial journalist, and editor of Cannabis Stock Trades. Michael and his wealth management clients have been investing in cannabis stocks since 2013.

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