in Stock Market

Smart Index Fund Investing

Guess I better do some “finance” positing…

Wouldn’t going global in the same asset class [stocks/bonds] be on the same (bigger, more fees) boat if/when the financial market corrects?

I think explod was saying gold/silver could hold and preserve better during a financial market downturn. I’m no expert but reckon he has a good point.

Chuggling along with my Mitsui book… seem their better managers in the late/early 20th century have the same idea as explod.

That is, they accumulate gold/silver among their portfolio in the boom years… during market disruptions, traded those in for more valuable, productive stocks. Rinse and repeat.

For those with a few bucks to their name… maybe hang on to the cash if you can, wait until you see serious amount of profit to be made before buying? Else keep the cash and quality businesses you already own, hope and pray for the best.

That’s not advice of course. Just my 2cents.


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