in Entrepreneur

Successful Businesses – More Than Just Numbers

The richest and most successful companies in the world are not only renowned by the stunning estimates of their revenues, but their philanthropy, too.

Reasons for these great acts of kindness can be various. There is a bit of marketing, a bit of self-promotion, and a bit of branding present, for sure. Nevertheless, if we disregard the money matter for a moment, it seems that the more a business thrives to help people in need in one way or the other, the higher the level of satisfaction among its employees. Consequently, a business boasts talent retention, happier workers and increased revenues.

Business team volunteering

Regardless the main reason, let’s take a look at how it’s done by just some of the biggest names in the business across the globe.

Marks & Spencer (M&S), the world famous UK retailer, is doing their fair share. Apart from their great offers, they have become widely recognized and approved due to their long-term commitment to hiring people who have difficulty finding jobs or need it urgently. For instance, the company encourages taking on single parents and people with disabilities from local areas where their stores are located.

In addition, there is the Frazzled Café project, whose purpose is organizing “chat rooms” for stressed or upset locals every two weeks.

On the other side of Atlantic, one could learn a lot about selflessness from American Fidelity Assurance Company’s employees. This Oklahoma City financial services and insurance company has so far donated over $1.5 million, but that’s not all. Five times a year they donate something which is oftentimes priceless – their blood. Medical staff comes to the office to make this happen, and it should to be noted that five workers have been donors over 100 times already(!).

Another lovely example comes from a New York City based company Ernst & Young (EY) with its own way of giving back to the community. They have organized a special denim day once a month which marks the day when employees donate $5 to a non-profit of their choice. There is also Connect Day, which is a day for volunteering, and they always take part in races and walks. With over 200,000 employees all over the world, you can imagine their impact is quite large.

On the other side of the world, the trend continues in the Land Down Under. These days the latest local hero seems to be Lendi, a highly successful home loan platform. When the West Coast Eagles suddenly lost its major sponsor after 32 years, the future was looking bleak for this Sydney football club. Fortunately, Lendi decided to jump in and David Hyman, its co-founder and MD, rejoiced a lot of supporters and athletes by announcing their support to healthy physical development and sports. After all, Lendi’s already involved in a noble mission by the very nature of their business.

Finding the best deals for future homeowners is not just about buying a property, it’s about helping people make their dream come true – to have a roof over their family’s head.


On the other hand, Cooley, a company from Boston, is involved in some other life essentials, and that is preventing hunger. The office collected over $30,000 for the Greater Boston Food Bank. But, as we have said, it’s not all about the numbers, is it? This act roughly translates as more than 100,000 meals for the poor all around the state. What is more, they won the “Most Raised Overall by a Law Firm” for the third time in a row.

Toyota has had its fair share in charities, too. Since 1991 it has donated more than $550 million. Even after the difficult period in 2010 when millions of cars were recalled, the company decided to give their cars away to non-profits which need it the most. Some of the applicants were non-profits for combating mental issues, organizations for providing meals, and so on. Needless to say, the proper means of transport meant the world to the winners.

If we were to put all these efforts on paper, perhaps one would question so much invested time and money into causes which are not obviously related to the company’s profits. If the calculation was done right, the actions would probably be defined as “unnecessary expenses”. Nevertheless, people are not numbers, and certain big players are there to remind us of it and lead the way when it comes to aiding noble causes.

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