in Entrepreneur

Online Marketing 101: A to Z Glossary of Online Marketing Terms (Infographic)

Online marketing terms are something all business owners need to be aware of. Without all this valuable knowledge, it would be impossible to optimize and rank websites, perform free and paid marketing, kill it on social media, or make use of the tools out there that help us get more work done faster.

If you need a guide to the online marketing jargon, this infographic published by Wrike team project management software can brief you about the terms:

A-Z Glossary of Online Marketing Terms - infographic by Wrike

Here’s a breakdown of some of the thoughts shared in the graphic.

The basics

In the first section, the graphic explains the more foundational online marketing terminology needed to run a website and get it ranked and make your content viral.

Linking, getting backlinks, how to do proper SEO, branding and other marketing terms and buzz-phrases are detailed.

Even if you already know a lot about online marketing, each term is broken down to the most basic level for an easy and quick read.

Websites and lead gen

Next, more advanced topics related to ranking a website and generating quality leads is delved into. Again, no complicated explanations here, which really outlines just how simple the core of online marketing actually is.

One great term that’s often forgotten about is the use of the “fold” on your lead gen and other page designs in order to maximize the effectiveness of your message to visitors.

Other key terms such as responsive design, CTA, conversion rate optimization, and several other essential online marketing terms related to this area are also detailed on this section of the graphic.

Content marketing

The content marketing section the graphic lays out all the relevant terminolgy needed to formulate an effective content marketing plan. I found the newsjacking definition to be entertaining.

You’ll also get a kick out of the acronyms TOFU, MOFO, and BUFU!

There’s much to learn here, such as the importance of brand storytelling and using the “crowd” to generate content, native advertising, and marketing funnels.

Online marketing terms to live by


Obviously, there are a lot of important factors in any successful online marketing game plan. Understanding advertising terminology can definitely be tough. This part of the graphic is essential reading for everything you do in online advertising. Definitions of PPC, CPC, SEM, CTR, and click fraud are all briefly defined.

This entire graphic is in fact a quick read and is a great reference when you’re trying different things and tweaking your marketing campaigns and aren’t a total expert that’s been there and done that in all areas of marketing.

Social media

If for some reason, you know absolutely nothing about social media terminology, these definitions will bring you up to date. The most interesting definition in this section of the glossary is that of vanity metrics.

We’re all so caught up in likes and retweets and such, even though they don’t really matter nearly as much as actual engagement in your comments, DMs, and actual clicks being driven to your page.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a thriving aspect of online sales. This section details common terminology like autoresponsders, automation, opt-ins, building a list and more. If you’re not building a list and conversing with them regularly, you’re leaving lots of money on the table!

Big thanks to Wrike for releasing this great graphic!

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