in Economics

10 Sunday Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• Edward Lampert, the Hedge-Fund Star Who Bet on Sears, Is Unrepentant (Wall Street Journal) but see Edward Lampert’s Non-Strategy to Save Sears (Wall Street Journal)
• When Will Chasing the Hot Stock No Longer Work? (Macro Tourist)
• The Allure of Private (The Belle Curve)
• Did Facebook’s faulty data push news publishers to make terrible decisions on video? (Nieman Lab) see also I wouldn’t go to your work and flip you off’: CNN’s Jim Acosta engages Trump Nation (Washington Post)
• An Army Veteran Wages War on Social Media Disinformation (Wall Street Journal)
• Hurricane Michael A Wake Up Call On Why Total Deregulation of Telecom Is A Very Bad Idea. (Wetmachine)
• Leonardo da Vinci’s genius may be rooted in a common eye disorder, new study says (Washington Post)
• A Conservative Group’s Closed-Door ‘Training’ of Judicial Clerks Draws Concern (New York Times) see also Some Of Trump’s Judicial Nominees Have Private Twitter Accounts They Aren’t Sharing With The Public (Buzzfeed)
•  Why the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Has Many Problems (Quanta Magazine)
• Biohackers Are Implanting Everything From Magnets to Sex Toys (Bloomberg Businessweek)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Barbara E. Kahn, professor of marketing at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and author of “The Shopping Revolution: How Successful Retailers Win Customers in an Era of Endless Disruption.”


A World Growing Apart

Source: Signal


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